Skills & Modules
There is actually some smarts and higher learning (believe it or not!) behind Podcast vs Player, and if you're curious what particular courses and modules we've done over the years, then you're most welcome to peruse below!
Audio Engineering: Signal Flow
Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced
Video Production
VFX and Motion GFX
Capturing Light 101: Cinematography Fundamentals
Audio Production: Multi-track arrangement and production
Social Media Management
Vectr Graphic Design
Performing Arts Btec National
Video Production Masterclass: Complete Video Camera Course
Creative Video Editor (Module 1.a - 2.b)
Understand and Evaluate Digital Marketing Channels
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018
Color Grading and Correction with DaVinci Resolve
LIGHTING for Film and Television
Radio Promotion and Publicity
Video Marketing Scholars (VMS)
Adobe Premiere Pro 101
Video Production Bootcamp: Videography, Cinematography+
Video Lighting: Master The Art of Lighting in Video and Film