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Cal Gets Interviewed By Listen Notes

►Tell us about you and your podcast

I'm Callum, co-host on Podcast vs Player (along with Dan). I'm an author, artist and designer (at least that's what I'm told to say).

Podcast vs Player is a video game/movie/comedy podcast, covering video game news, movie reviews and just about anything in the media industry.

►Why & how did you start this podcast? 

Originally, myself and Co-Host Dan had just come off wrapping up Tech Beever, which was an online Video Game/Entertainment magazine of sorts. Once Tech Beever came to an end in 2008, we went our separate ways in terms of producing content. I started an online blog detailing various humorous encounters I had whilst gaming, and began doing freelance graphic design.

We still spoke a lot on the phone, and in 2009 during the Xbox E3 reveal, we decided to start producing content together again. The podcast didn't actually manifest for another two years, due to planning, research and generally getting a feel for podcasting.

We started the podcast in 2011, and at the same time launched a channel, with the aims of creating other content, which, seven years later, we are still doing.

►How'd you find the time and funding to do this podcast?

We originally released the podcast every week, but due to schedules we now release new episodes bimonthly (two episodes a month), with video content spread out over the month.

Our work schedules do mean we have to arrange our recording in advance, but it's easily manageable, and we are able to plan around work and family lives (I have a four-year old son who's a big fan of "Daddy talking").

The editing side is a big part of any podcast. I typically edit the podcast the day after we've recorded, and get it uploaded as soon as it's finished. Editing can take anywhere between an hour to two hours, depending on the length of the podcast. We usually aim for the episode to be around 30-60 minutes in order to keep both the editing easier, and to keep the audience listening.

Funding wise we've paid for all equipment ourselves and cover hosting, but we are extremely fortunate to have brand affiliates who send us products, offers and deals to promote on the podcast (and in videos), which we earn a little commission from each sale.

►What do you gain from podcasting?

We love podcasting, it's fun, and it opens you up to a world of great content creators, some of whom you might not have heard of until you started podcasting yourself.

On the financial aspect, we have a number of great affiliates, whom we are extremely grateful to work with, who provide us with means to earn a little money from advertising. Our podcast theme music was also created by the brilliant PoundSound, who created a track called "Poundsound vs Player" in order to promote both our podcast and their business, so a win-win for us.

But realistically, podcasting for us is a means to engage, interact, and hopefully reach an audience that finds at least a little knowledge in what we say, or laughs at a ridiculous joke we make.

►How does your podcasting process look like? 

Our process is simple really, I spend a day or two leading up to recording researching news content for the podcast, then decide on the main topic. I use Adobe InCopy to write a script, then we go from there.

Equipment wise, I use a Blue Snowball Omnidirectional/Cardioid microphone, which is attached to an InnoGear Professional Adjustable microphone arm with a Paxcoo Double Nylon Pop Filter, and I use a set of SADES SA-920 headphones.

Dan uses a Samson CO1U microphone with a Paxcoo Double Nylon Pop Filter, and he uses a set of Steel Series Siberia V2 headphones.

If one of our other hosts, Zoe (my wife!) is joining us, she also uses a Blue Snowball microphone, with her favorite Sakar 30382 Batman Headphones.

To record/edit the podcast, we use a mixture of Adobe Audition and Audacity.

When we have guests on the show we typically use Skype and Call Recorder, as it's a far easier process than trying to get guests together (especially if they're in a different country!).

Our thumbnails, which we use for YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, are all made by myself using Adobe Photoshop and highlight what's happening on the episode.

►How do you market your show?

We use our website, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram to promote the show. Even though we've been podcasting for a good few years, we've only just taken the jump to iTunes, but the podcast is available on CastBox, Stitcher, YouTube and now iTunes.

We've found most listeners accumulate from the website, but CastBox has been brilliant for fan interaction/feedback, and our iTunes analytics has already increased, so we're hoping that continues!

►What advice would you share with aspiring (new) podcasters?

Honestly, we're the worst people to ask! But, if we give any advice, it's if you're thinking about podcasting, just give it a go. It's a great feeling creating a podcast, watching it go from an idea to something you created is a fantastic creative buzz.

I don't know if this gets said enough, but podcasting is hard work. Like, really hard work. There's a lot of planning, prepping, testing, recording, editing. But it's totally worth it.

I can't speak on behalf of Dan but if there's any advice I can give, it's find something you're passionate about and use that niche as a stepping stone to creating your podcast. You have to want to make a new episode, not just because you feel you have to.

Let podcasting become something you look forward to, not just a part of your day.

See the full interview over at Listen Notes


About Podcast vs Player

Podcast vs Player™ is an entertainment and media company,  creating online content such as Let's Plays, Gameshows, Animated Adventures and more. It's also the home of the PvP Podcast, which RadioPublic named one of their "Highlights to watch in 2018".


We're also fortunate enough to work with brilliant affiliates including; CDkeys™, GameSeek™, 365Games™, Zavvi™, Consoles&Gadets™, GamesBeat™, and many more. 

© Podcast vs Player and Broken Pony Media

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