We're changing the way we deliver content to you - and one of the new ways means we're halting the Patreon page we've had for the last year or so.
What does this mean for you?
If you're a Patreon supporter, we can't thank you enough for your support, but we feel that at the moment we can deliver better content without the constraints of ensuring we are putting out enough free content, as well as 'premium' content for the supporters paying on Patreon.
As times change and we evolve, we'll most likely look at Patreon again in the future, but for now we feel we would much rather put 100% into all the content we are creating, and make it available to everyone.
But, if you would like to support us, there are details below on how you can do that- the difference now being you have a choice, and if you decide to, it can be a one off, or as many times as you like!
What about the content?
Whilst the Patreon exclusive content is going, that doesn't mean there won't be anymore exclusive stuff - the PVPPS will now be available to everyone via Ko-Fi, and Buy Me a Coffee where it will be available for free to people who would like to support us on there - either in views or by buying us a coffee with the donate button.
Ko-Fi, and Buy Me a Coffee are services that we feel will work better with our creative minds - if you'd like to support us, that's more than brilliant, and please feel free to do so! If you'd rather just watch/listen to the content, that's cool too!
In the future we'll be doing draws for our supporters, where there will be various prizes being given out, so if you'd like a shot at that, buy us a coffee and get involved!
Space Architects, which was our Patreon exclusive comic, will also be heading to Ko-Fi, and Buy Me a Coffee where it will be available to read for free - but please consider buying us a coffee if you enjoy it!
What else is changing?
You may have noticed that we've been very vocal about the service known as Swell, and we'll be doing a bunch of different stuff involving both Swell as a service, and with the excellent creators on there.
Our normal programming schedule will not change at all - Cal and Dan Play, GameMode, the PvP Podcast and all our other shows will continue as they always have (and once COVID has freed us from the restraints, shows like Retro Shenanigans will be making a much welcome return), they'll just no longer be 'timed' exclusive to Patreon.
We honestly are incredibly thankful for anyone that supports us, and if you were over at Patreon, we hope that you'll consider buying us a coffee or two - but we're just as grateful for support of any kind, be it views, shares, likes etc (but buying us a coffee is very, very much appreciated!)